Comparative study of the construction mode of wartime air-raid shelters in Chongqing and London under the context of massive bombing


  • Pei Guodong Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, University in Chongqing, China.



Air-raid Shelters, Industrial-oriented pattern, Chongqing, London, Nature-oriented pattern, World War II.


This paper aims to explore the construction of air-raid shelters by different cities utilizing advantageous resources to address the refuge needs of large populations. The study collects historical documents and conducts field research to categorize and comparatively analyze the characteristics of air-raid shelter construction in the capitals of China and the United Kingdom during World War II, taking into account the social context and natural conditions. Then the study assesses the advantages and disadvantages of different construction models. Facing the tragic bombings and to protect tens of thousands of people, the construction of air-raid shelters fully demonstrated different patterns in the two cities based on natural environments and industrial strength, i.e., the nature-oriented pattern and the industry-oriented pattern. The air-raid shelters in the two cities adopted various construction strategies in four aspects: location layout, relationship with buildings, internal space, and architectural technology and materials. Chongqing's nature-oriented construction pattern was more resilient and economical. London's industry-oriented construction pattern had the advantages of comfort, safety, and rapid production and construction. Two different construction patterns not only showcase the ingenuity of air-raid shelter architecture but also reveal the spirit of optimism, tenacity, and unity of the people in the capitals of China and the United Kingdom during the war. Nowadays, this research is of great significance for air-raid shelter construction and utilization, as well as for the shaping of urban identity.


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How to Cite

Guodong, P. . (2024). Comparative study of the construction mode of wartime air-raid shelters in Chongqing and London under the context of massive bombing. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Social Sciences, 17(2), 52–63.


